Exercises- Configuring Java Custom Components

The following questions cover the functions using Code Module Events, IBM Process Designer, and DbExecute, which we covered in this chapter.

  1. What IBM application would you use to confirm that the “CodeModules” folder exists?

a) The IBM Content Navigator
b) The IBM acce Administrative Console for Content Platform Engine
c) The IBM Case Builder
d) The IBM Process Designer

  1. An IBM Stored Procedure String parameter for the Oracle Database system is limited to

a) 64 characters
b) 1333 characters
c) 4000 characters
d) 1024 characters

  1. The IBM Standalone Process Designer Tool is initially installed using the program

a) cmd.exe
b) pedesigner.bat
d) cpetoolenv.bat

  1. The main purpose of a Workflow Subscription is

a) To enable the creation of a Folder Object
b) To enable the creation of a Document Object
c) To enable a workflow to be launched on the storage of a document
d) To enable a Case to be created in IBM Case Manager


  1. b) The IBM acce Administrative Console for Content Platform Engine
  2. c) 4000 characters
  3. c) 5.5.0-ICFCPE-WIN.EXE
  4. c) To enable a workflow to be launched on the storage of a document


  1. Describe what steps you would use to install a new Custom Event, given that you have been given a working fn_eventshandler.jar file and have been asked to configure an AddFolder Java Class Event Handler triggered on the creation of a new Folder.
  2. What databases does IBM Case Manager Workflow support and what types of Datasource are recommended to be configured to support a connection for use with DbExecute?
  3. What methods are used for resolving issues in the deployment of an IBM Case Manager Solution?
    In Chapter 3, we will cover the use of the Java language to customize Workflow Components with the example development of a Java jar file for the IBM Java Messaging Service calls and its deployment for use in an IBM Case Manager Workflow.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
A. S. BluckIBM Software Systems Integration

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