Fixing the Process Designer Shell Script Environment Variables- Configuring Java Custom Components-1
The Windows DOS cmd.exe command window (run as the Windows Administrator) can now be used to run the pedesigner.bat Windows shell script file. However, as will be seen later, we have to do some editing on the environment variable initiation shell scripting to obtain a working JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH environment configuration!
Figure 2-183The location of the pedesigner.bat file which will launch the Standalone Process Designer
Figure 2-184The launch of the pedesigner.bat shell script to load the Standalone Process Designer
We have to include the Process Engine Connection point for the Designer Object Store which has the name CP1.
Figure 2-185The correct command line including the Connection Point, CP1
However, we also have a Folder path with spaces, which does not work for the shell script!
Figure 2-186The system error message appears
Figure 2-187The highlighted changes are made in the pedesigner.bat shell script
In Figure 2-187, we make changes to ensure there are no spaces in the classpath which we can achieve by using the DOS short form of the directory path for the top level c:\Program Files (x86) directory, which has a DOS short form of c:\PROGRA~2.
Then, we also have to edit the cpetoolenv.bat shell script file, which is called by the main pedesigner.bat shell script file, as shown in Figure 2-188.
Figure 2-188The highlighted change is made in the cpetoolenv.bat shell script
This results in the updated shell script file in Figure 2-189.
Figure 2-189The updated cpetoolenv.bat file
cd c:\PROGRA~2\IBM\FileNet\ContentEngine\PE
pedesigner.bat CP1
This loads a pop-up window prompting us for a Process Engine administrator login.
Figure 2-190The User Name and Password are entered, and the Log In command button is clicked
We now see the first screen of the IBM Standalone Java program, Process Designer, which we can use for the editing of IBM Case Manager solution Task workflows.
Figure 2-191The first edit screen of the Process Designer Java program